
Reaction to Fisher

           I liked to read the article, "Perception Of Self" by Fisher, because it was interesting to read. In addition, it was pretty easy to read, because it easy to connect our own experiences. What I was most interested in was the section "Perception Is Inaccurate". It is, of course, true but people do not think that way. Fisher said, Perception is experiential, selective, inferential, evaluative, and inaccurate. I think people tend to believe their own perception is most likely true and correct, because they see things with their own past experiences, select what they want to believe or see, inference if necessarily, or evaluate with their own view point. However, Fisher said perception is more likely incorrect. When I read this Fisher's explanation was so natural for me, but we do such thing as normal thing. In my opinion, it is important to know perception is different with people to people. Furthermore, it is important to understand those perception could be inaccurate.


Reaction to Barna

                I thought the content of Barna is interesting. For some part, I know about it and I could totally agree with. Language difference and some biased view or assumption are of course would be the difficulty of intercultural communication. In addition, many people tend to do easily and people do not realize their misunderstanding or prejudice. I may have prejudice or arbitrary assumption when I communicate with person who is from different culture or who has different way of thinking. Furthermore, some part like “High Anxiety”, I never thought that it would be the difficulty of intercultural communication. At this part, I had fun with reading and study new things. 


Summer Reading Book Reaction

          The Giver by Lois Lowry

          I chose this book, because I have heard the name of the book and it says, “There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the Community” for the synopsis of the book. I could not get the meaning, so I was interested in and wanted to read the story.
          The main character of the story is Jonas, who lives in the Community and 11 years old. He is excited to be 12, because he will be assigned for a job. When he becomes 12, he is assigned for the Receiver of the Memory. It is very special job for the community, so that Jonas is afraid of having the job. Jonas receives a lot of memories from the Giver, like snow, sunshine, color, and even feelings. It is all that the community does not have and they cannot see any colors. People in the Community takes pills to stop their emotional feelings. All because of the thinking way of "sameness". Jonas begins to have questions about the community and he escapes from the community for change them.
         I liked the part, which Jonas receives memories. Especially, when he receive the memory of the color or feeling of Love. At first I was surprise that they do not have colors and some kind of feeling. At the same time, I could not image the Community and interested in the story more. I did not like the part, which Jonas gets the memory of the feelings of anger or pain, and memory of the war. However, it shows importance of the knowing those things. This book made me think about the "sameness". At first, I thought sameness is not good for our life, because we should have individual and we should have chance to choose by our own opinion. However, if there are organized by sameness, we will not have fight or feeling of hates. I thought it would be nice to have sameness for some time at the right point, but I do not really know nor it may be different thinking by person to person. 
          I really enjoyed the book, "The Giver", so I hope my section mate will read it someday in the future.


Summer/Autumn ARW

          I had a GREAT SUMMER VACATION! I went to the beach, went to Osaka, did firework,  visited my grandparents, went to amusement park, and  so on. What I did most in this summer was dancing. I belong to Smooth Steppers and I had a lot of practice. Sometimes, I practiced dancing 7.5hours in a day. Practice was hard, but I like dancing and I really excited about ICU festival, so that it was good time and I will continue  practicing for ICU festival.
          I am not really ready for study hard, because I do not feel like the autumn term. However, I want to study hard for writing essay. I am not good at writing. I want to learn how to write good long essay. This term will be so hard, because this term is short but I have a lot of things to do. Reading section will be also hard, so that I will use my time effectively and study hard.